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Gladys Henderson-Williams


Gladys Henderson-Williams is a native of Alexandria, LA, and the third child born to Rev. Paul and Iola Colwell. She is a graduate of Northwestern State College, Natchitoches, LA. After 41 years of Civil Service with the Department of Defense as an Accountant she retired on June 2015. She was married for over 23 years to the late Andrew Williams, Sr.

Gladys has written five books,  "When You’re Tired of Looking Up...Because nothing Good seems to be Falling into your Life", “The Silent Cry of a (Preacher’s/Leader’s) Kid”, “Eye- Level Appreciation”, “Releasing the Why”, and “The Writer’s Edge”.  She has also written three stage plays; “Was It I Who Made You Cry?”, “Preparing Esther”, and "Who Is He?" which will be released soon. These insightful writings bring individual healing and restoration. 
Gladys is the CEO of two companies - Manifest Destiny LLC and GHW Productions LLC. She is a member of American Society of Military Comptrollers, National Association of Professional Women, and Air Force Association.

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